Monday, April 25, 2016

The super duper day.

Today was a lot of fun. When I woke up I had breakfast which was cereal.  Then Sean, Luke, and I built a super duper town with blocks.  Then we had lunch and went to Ms. Renee's house.  We had my own personal trail ride!!!! We went all around her 5 acres.  I got to trot on the horse, and I could walk and steer her on my own.  I could stop her and make her go and make her trot.  

Then we had dinner and it was pizza.  I had some grape juice and a little bit of milk.  Then I pet the dog, and then we had a fun race with all the cars and two cars won.  Then it was time to go, and Sean was riding Luke's little scooter bike down the hill and he fell and cut his knee on a rock.  Sean will tell you that story.


  1. Grace,
    That horse really seems to know and like you. I bet the dog does too.
    XXOO, Nana MO'S

  2. Grace
    Did you horse friend kiss you back? I never saw a horse getting kissed before. The horse did seem to like you and trust you. Some people say dogs are people's friend but I like horses as friends. I guess horses and dogs are like apples and oranges -- is is hard to compare them because they are so different.

    Congratulation on all your exploring and new friends.
