Saturday, April 23, 2016

The rodeo

Hi, this is Katie. Today we went on a little hike. We drove to the trailhead then got out on a beautiful sunny day. We started on the trail it went right by the Yuba River. We hiked for some time until we came to a seven way split. There was a small creek there and we wanted to stop, but there were three billion mosquitos. We went that way until we came to a good stopping place. It was a great view! We started going down the trail. Sean saw a hummingbird, we watched it then kept going down the trail. When we got back down we drove home for lunch.

After lunch and a nap we went to the RODEO! In the beginning kids rode sheep, the name was mutton busting it was hilarious, then somebody parachuted!
After that there were teams, what the teams did was, one person had a rope with a steer on it he had to hold it while the other person tried to tie a ribbon to the steers tail! Beginning the rodeo there was bucking broncos! Second, they drove around a wagon!
Afterwords there was team roping. One person would rope the head of the steer, one person the back legs! Then there was calf roping. A cowboy would rope the head of the calf, jump of the horse flip the calf over, and tie at least three legs together! The calf had to stay tied for six seconds! Next, people tried to ride bulls! The bulls must have thought, you might have roped my little brother, but I'm going to buck you of, and you are going to land HARD! Only one person stayed on for the eight seconds.
Finally, there was barrel racing. The horse, (with a cowGIRL on his back) would run a tight circle around 3 barrels with out knocking them over! The one who did it the fastest won! Lastly, they put a jump ramp outand motorcycles did tricks!


  1. Katherine,
    Sounds like it was a good day all around.
    XXOO, Nana MO'S

  2. Katie

    Of course you could be a pilot and a cowgirl. I like horses and bulls more that motorcycles.

    Why did a RODEO have motorcycles?
