Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Sean's Five Paragraph Essay on Trips

     The following is the planning, packing, and communication needed for a hike or trip outdoors. The first step is planning well.  Once you have the plan you can pack.  Next you should tell people what you are doing.  These things will help you not to bonk or run out of energy.

     If you plan well you will have a great hike.  You need good maps and to talk to a trusted person. You should know what the weather forecast is and plan accordingly. It would help to have a book of the hike so you know what's ahead.  

  When you pack you should pack well so you can do your hike.  When packing you should pack for the weather, destination, and stops along the way.  You should bring the correct amount of water and food.  Also bring an emergency kit and flashlight. If you want to have fun bring binoculars. You should always bring a trail map.

     You should tell people where you are going to have a safe hike.  You should tell people where, when, and what you are doing. You should tell people who, if anybody, is going with you, and whether you are biking, paddling, walking, etc. You should clearly tell your partner(s) where and when you are meeting. You should tell people how far you are going and if something changes how to respond.

     You should have fun if you plan, pack, and communicate well.  You should first plan well so you have a safe and fun hike.  Then you should pack so if something goes wrong you can fix it. Then you should tell everybody involved what you are doing. If you do all these things you will have a fun hike.  


  1. Sean,
    I am ready to go and you can be my hike guide. We Will have fun!
    XXOO, Nana MO'S

  2. I hope you (and your mom and dad) remember all these rules. And never go off by yourself...even if you think you know the way.....
    Worrying grandpa in Libertyville!!!

  3. Sean, telling someone where you're going is a good rule. I usually hike with someone but if I'm ever solo hiking I call your dad and Grandpa Boo to let them know my route and when I should be back. I call when I get back so they know I'm safe. I also tell them how much fun I had.
