Monday, April 18, 2016

Sacramento, the capital of California

Today we woke up had breakfast, and drove to Sacramento. At Sacramento, we had a tour of the state capital.
< This is a statue of Ronald Reagan.  

< This is the place that they debate laws.
< This is a picture from on of the windows.
< This is one of the statues.
<  this is the out side of the building.
Then we went to the train museum.
< this is me by one of the trains.

< This is a picture of Luke at one of the train tables.

Guess what! Luke's favorite number is 1825. Guess what happend in 1825! Rail roads where invented! Luke LOVES, and I mean, LOVES trains!!!!! 


  1. Great pictures, Katie! Sacramento looks like a beautiful grass and palm trees! Unfortunately California government has changed for the worse since Ronald Reagan left!
    Now you will have to go to Springfield and see Illinois' capital and Abraham Lincoln history !
    Have fun, Love Grandpa T

  2. The historic preservation architect that did the state Capital restoration lives and works in Covington, KY

    His name is Chris Meyer and we would be happy to chat with you about the building in the future.

  3. Katie that train is HUGE! Looks like a fun day.
