Friday, March 25, 2016


Hi this is Katie. Today we decited that we would take the Coaster(Luke calles it the "toaster!")to Oceanside for the Good Friday service. We got on the top layer of the front car. We got past the first stop,(not ours!) then when we were 1 Minute away from the next stop when the train stopped, it had broken down!!!!!!!! We waited 3 and a half hours until help came! Then we got off at Solana Beach, because we had missed our service. We played for a hour and a half at the beach. Sean, Grace, and I played wave tag in the waves. How you play wave tag is you wade into the water holding 2 rocks, one in each hand. Then you step over all the waves below your knees, jump over the waves below your waist, and run away from the waves higher than your waist, and you get knocked over a few times. When you get hit by a wave, you drop one of the stones. When you have no stones left you have to tag one of the waves without getting hit on a body part other than your hands. It is really fun!
This picture is of Luke,(naked*)at the beach.

This is of Sean, Luke,and me when we were leaving.when we got home we dyed Easter eggs.  

This picture is of us dyeing Easter eggs.


  1. Well, it seems to me that when your original plan does not work out your parents find something else really fun to do.........Lucky lucky kids. Thanks for the post cards......grandpa and I really liked them.

    XXOO,Nana MO'S

  2. I am not sure that I understand your game - how do you slap a wave and not get wet? But you can explain that to me when we see you on Easter.

    Grandma has been spending the whole day making "Energizer Bunnies" so you will have some good desserts tomorrow too.

    I hope you surfing was fun today - I don't know if the waves were big enough-you will have to tell me about that tomorrow too!
    Love Grandpa T
