Monday, March 28, 2016

Easter day already!

I woke up this morning and realized it was Easter! Alleluia it is Easter Day already! Isn't it? It is! I'm extremely excited and happy I'm all wound up! First, we went to church and sang songs like JesusChrist has Risen Today, alleluia, and Our Triumphant Holy Day, alleluia! Who has Once Upon the Cross, alleluia! It was really fun! After church we got donuts, yum! I got a Chocolate Long John! Then we went to Aunt Jennifer's house for a party. There was a guava at her house. A guava is an Asian fruit! It is really good! See! 


  1. Alleluia, Lent is over! Chocolate once again! Thanks for a great post, Grace. I am glad you spelled Alleluia for me because I don't think I could have spelled it. You must have a great teacher!
    It was a great Easter party we had over at Uncle Mark's & Aunt Jennifer's house. What was your favorite part of the dinner?
    See you tomorrow.....
    Love Grandpa T

  2. That guava is a real delicacy for Aunt Jennifer's Mom--she only gets a few on the tree each year. She says she waits and waits for them to ripen. I think they taste mildly like a sweet grapefruit--but a totally different consistency. What did you think, Grace? Do you think you would want to grow a fruit tree that only gave you a few fruits each year?

    It was a really nice Easter day! At our Mass, the choir sang the "Hallelujah Chorus." It was incredibly beautiful. And we got to sing "Jesus Christ is Risen Today" as well. I, for one, am very happy that Lent is over!

    Happy Easter season to all!

    Grandma T.

  3. Grace,

    Grandpa Don and I went to the Easter Vigil. Everyone holds a candle and listen to several really good bible stories. There were a few teenagers who were baptized. In our church the baptismal font is a little pool. The priest and the people being baptized stood in the baptismal pool and they all got pretty wet. We had lots of Alleluias to sing too. Happy Easter! 🐰

  4. Enjoying the blog! Keep it coming!

    Aunt Annebeth & Uncle Paul
