Sunday, March 20, 2016

Beach day!

Hi, this is Sean😀. 
When we woke up in the morning we decided to go to the beach! (YAY!) 
Then we drove to church for Palm Sunday. It was a real nice church, even better than our own private chapel. I sleep on the couch which is right by the stained glass window (top). 
After church we went to the grocery store. Finally we got good food so we don't have to eat out every day. 
Then we went home and the kids made their lunch while mom got our swimsuits out of the trailer. Everybody got ready for the beach, sunblock and boogie boards. (And all that other stuff) We all loaded up into the car and went all the way over the Coronado Bay Bridge (middle-bottom)and got to the beach. 
I ran onto the beach and started playing in the sand with Andrew and Joey. 
We made two huge dams one was at least five feet long holding back about one hundred gallons of water (bottom)!!! Luke helped (middle) along with Katie and Grace. 
We played there for so long, afterwords I was freezing (middle-top)! 
We went home and all took showers to rinse the sand off.
Then we had dinner and went to bed.It was a great day! I hope we can go back to the beach.


  1. I hope you didn't sleep at church like you did in your own private chapel!
    We had a great day at the beach too....I think all you guys are going to be Civil Engineers when you grow up, with all your canals and dams. Next we will have to go to the beach by grandma and grandpa and go surfing! Your mom can show you how! And your dad can be the life guard!
    Love Grandpa

  2. Sean"
    Nothing is better than a beach day except maybe a beach day with your cousins and siblings.
    I got some wonderful postcards. Luke's handwriting and spelling were you have any idea about that?
    XXOO, Nana MO'S

  3. Hi, Sean, it's Aunt Lori. I love time at the beach. This is one of my favorite posts so far. Looks like y'all are having a great time. So glad that you are writing this blog. Love hearing about all of your adventures! Love you!

  4. Hi from Grandma T:
    I enjoyed sitting on that beach watching all of you with your project. I watched you and Andrew carry that very heavy boulder down to the dam . . . I was holding my breath for fear one of you would let go of your end of the stone. That might have resulted in a broken foot . . .
    But--no accidents--just lots of fun!
    Today, Grandpa and I spent some time at the Coronado beach--on the ocean side--and wondered if all of you might be at North Beach on the Navy beach. We couldn't go past the fence to look for you without getting arrested . . . Anyway, it was a great beach day today in spite of being very windy.

    See you soon! Love you, Grandma T
