Monday, May 9, 2016

Mom got pulled over by a cop

Hi this is Grace. Today we drove in the RV and car and when we were all settled in on the road Mom said oh my gosh a cop is pulling us over! But mom was not doing anything wrong.  The cop just said he didn't think she should be on her phone while driving an RV.  She told him she was just trying to figure out where dad was. After we found dad and we were on the road on are way, the RV broke down so we had to pull over. So we went to the rest area, well dad stayed with the RV. When the RV was fixed we kept driving. When we got to the Grand Canyon we went to the over look and saw the sun setting on the Grand Canyon. Then we went to are camp site and and went to sleep.


  1. Grandpa Don and I really liked our trip to the Grand Canyon....the view changes all the time and it is always beautiful. What a great finale to your trip! XXOO, Nana MO'S

  2. The Grand Canyon looks beautiful, but what happened to the RV? Did you have to wait long? Hope it is okay for the rest of the trip. And mom, if you have to use the cell phone - let Sean drive.....
    See you in a couple of days.....
    Love Grandpa

  3. Wow is that beautiful. Nana MOS is right -- what a spectacular finale to your trip!
    Love AAB

  4. Dad- what was wrong with our RV? Seems they put a Vespa engine into it instead of the truck engine it needs. Anytime we tried going up any sort of grade in the blazing 77 degree desert heat, the engine overheated. Made the trip a bit longer and WAY more annoying!!

  5. The Grand Canyon looks beautiful!
