Saturday, February 27, 2016

Worries And Excitements

Hi this is Sean:) Wondering where we are going? Well I'l tell you. RV? Well we don't have that yet. All packed? Nope.  Really excited? Definitely. One out of three,the easiest to get is excited which we have. One question: will this trip be all fun and games? No it won't, we still have school and this will be a very educational trip. We will still have a lot of fun. Now, where in the world are we going? Well, here is the plan. On the first day we will have a long drive. Hopefully we will sleep in Denver or somewhere close to it. After Denver, let the fun begin. On the way I will tell you were we are and what we are doing. I am most excited about the hikes and especially meeting my two new cousins; Jack and Nicholas. We are very lucky because most families don't get to do this, and we do. I am a little nervous about the RV because our whole family combined has no experience with one. Mom showed me a picture of a hike at Zion its trail goes straight up the mountain with steep drop offs at each side. Dad said I could do it. It will be a fun trip although I think there will be some arguing about school work. I can't wait to be up up and away or rather, fun fun and more fun.


  1. Sean,

    Great job with the post. Can't wait to hear all about your trip & the hike at Zion!

    Aunt Lori

  2. Hey Sean.....please hurry up and get out is so sunny and hot and boring.....there is nothing to do except bicycle, hike, go to the beach, eat great food and see new cousins......and I can't wait to hear about all your adventures......keep us up to date!
    Love, Grandpa Tschanz

  3. Sean, I am impressed by your writing so far. I am looking forward to your next chapter!

    See you soon!

    Aunt Ann Marie and Uncle Steve

  4. Hi Sean,

    Great post! But be very careful about that hike in Zion...if it is the same one I am thinking of, certain people in our family will tell you it is fun. But that is a lie!! I don't think I had any fun on that hike...I still see those switchbacks in my nightmares!!

    Have fun and keep us posted as you go!

    Uncle Brian
